To accelerate the Digital Transition to a renewed "literacy" of the 21st century
The interconnectedness and complexity of the current world require the emergence of new skills that make technology not the end but the powerful means by which to be accomplished.
Literally "literacy”, literacy is a term as well as a phenomenon, complex given its polyemanticity and the multi-layered contextual and cultural sedimentations that characterize it, the result of a forty-year interdisciplinary speculation, still today arena of debates on what should be understood by literacy and what it means to be 'literate' in the next company 5.0.
A world V.U.C.A. like the current one - characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity - is physiologically subject to an incessant writing and re-writing of the boundaries of the literacy, in relation, above all, to theirrevocable impact of technology in everyday social practices and the way we give meaning to our surroundings. Far beyond the mere ability to read and write, the future needs a integral literacyand therefore also digital: the only one capable of hacking the present and mastering complexity, rather than rejecting it, to be active and aware citizens.
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan in total consistency with the NextGenerationEUaims to promote the country’s digital development as well as green, with the 40% of the territorial resources allocated to the Mezzogiornoan investment programme strongly oriented towards gender inclusion and supporting the education, training and employment of young people.
To fully implement an acceleration in the direction of the Digital and Ecological Transition, a Cultural Transition is essential, which necessarily passes from the acquisition of new skills and frameworks of thought, as well as technological tools.
In its desire to lead the digital revolution towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paideia Digital Academy hopes for a indissoluble union between digitalization and green economyby providing girls and boys, boys and girls with a place that is protected and conducive to innovation and the proactive use of technologies for the implementation of the ecological transition: the digital transition becomes, thus, a guiding element for sustainable development.
Today more than ever, it is necessary that the concept of digital native and that of environmental native integrate and harmonize so that new generations re-acquire the weight of social responsibility of their actions: every digital process needs much more energy than an equivalent analog process.
That’s why the Paideia Digital Academy, a June and July 2023, opens the doors of the Castle of the Princes Capano Pollica (SA) to girls and boys, girls and boys for an exciting offer of training courses to digital that represent a unique opportunity to transform the long summer days in a moment of growth and fun, between play, art, music, sport, technology and nature.
I corsi dello scorso anno
📻 Radio Mediterraneo Music Lab 🎶
11-16 years
Castle of the Princes Capano, Pollica
Immerse yourself in the world of radio. Sound design and direction, between music and words to create memorable podcasts or go "on air" creating your web radio.

📱 App Design & Coding 🧩
11-16 years
Castle of the Princes Capano, Pollica
Why just play if you can invent your own game?!
A coding course that allows you to learn the basics of computer programming, teaching you to "dialogue" with the computer to create videogames and apps.
3D Modeling & Eco-Design 
11-16 years
Castle of the Princes Capano, Pollica
3D printing is the most versatile and creative of digital technologies that in all sectors, from fashion to automotive, and to all ages, offers freedom in the design and manufacturing processes, opening new frontiers of Italian and world design and craftsmanship.
Not only an instrument of artistic acceleration, the 3D printer is a great ally for upcycling, or the enhancement of waste products, which through recycling processes can acquire endless new lives, and meanings.

Digital Storytelling e Videomaking
11-16 years
Castle of the Princes Capano, Pollica
Backpacking! We will explore the territory with cameras, cameras and mobile. Music, words, photos and videos, an explosive mix to tell stories, emotions and passions with digital.
🌱 Agritech 💻
11-16 years
Castle of the Princes Capano, Pollica
The garden of the future! Agriculture 4.0.
Air, water, soil, biodiversity. We will learn to collect and analyze physical and chemical environmental data between sensors, robots, drones and new technologies!

🍝 Food alchemist & Food Diplomacy 🫒
11-16 years
Castle of the Princes Capano, Pollica
Science and traditions meet in the kitchen, to combat waste and give vent to the taste of creativity and where even the convivium can turn into a laboratory of peace!
👾 ArcheoMinecraft 🏺
11-16 years
Castle of the Princes Capano, Pollica
At the origins of Mediterranean life, the Archaeological Park of Velia as you have never seen it: in pixels!