Live to tell or tell if you really lived?

Stories of life and foodtech.

In these days so convulsive, while the return from mass holidays, seems the only one-dimensional frame to the current propaganda; to Pollica (SA), ended the third edition of the learning experience of FAO and Future Food Institutefocused on Integral Ecological Regeneration and Mediterranean Living. 

Once again, an opportunity to reflect on the multidimensional framework of a much more multifaceted country than they would have us believe. 

A country that knows how to reverse the paradigms of development, knows how to recognize the intangible heritage that the whole of Humanity recognizes, knows how to revive the Archaeological Parks of Velia and Paestum, reviving them with the voices of our fathers, which are mixed with those of our children. 

Parmenides, for example, who lived in 500 BC, spoke "of the destructive work" perpetrated by the "pure and clear lamp of the sun". Certainly, in 500 B.C. that destructive work did not have to deal with an atmosphere in which humanity injects 500,000 times the intensity of the atomic bomb every 24 hours. As in 2022.

Today we know that the destructive work is humanity itself. We have the creative magnificence of technological solutions and the extraordinarily suicidal power of the only animal that destroys its own habitat instead of protecting it. 

Therefore, at the center of the infinite mystery of nature, fierce and maternal; of the past and future; of the stones we have walked in Velia and Paestum and of the stars we have looked at from Paideia Campus, in the Castle of the Princes Capano, in Pollica, there are "you". 

That’s the message we left for the Climate Shapers. 

We have taught it, between experiences in the field, heated comparisons with veteran and expert scientists, discussing food security, health and longevity, energy transition and resource protection and much more, to the 1.000 Climate Shapers that we have formed in the last 3 years and to the 15 of this last class in Pollica: from 14 to 40 years and coming from 10 different countries, that is Zambia, Greece, Germany, United States, France, United Kingdom, Hungary, Kazakhstan and Italy, with 6 Regions (Lazio; Tuscany; Piedmont; Puglia; Campania and Lombardy).

Don Andrea Ciucci, Secretary General of the Pontifical Academy for Life, from the Ancient Theatre of the Archaeological Park of Velia, has started our training journey. 

His words have been powerful and have captured the meaning of our work: "And then there’s you. You and your life... your story, your words, your choices, your freedom, your skills and your limitations, your past and your future, your dreams and your disappointments. The life that is yours and yours alone. This life, your life does not belong to you. You have not shaped your body and in other laps you have been woven. Others have chosen your name. You have not decided to come into the world and you cannot decide not to die... Life precedes us and passes through us. It welcomes us and surpasses us. The first word of the Hebrew Bible: bereshit, in the beginning. It starts with B. Not with A. There is something that precedes our principle. It eludes us and is revealed. It constitutes us second!"

You have to learn to look inside this infinite mirror, if you really want to become Climate Shapers, and more generally, agents of change. 

We must stop pontificating. We must teach only notions. To teach her by speaking unilaterally, using methods that don’t take into account who we have become. Everyone, students and teachers. And I’m not just talking about the pandemic. 

The one-dimensional frames, the banality of the good, the hyper-simplification contrast the miracle of a new way of forming prosperous communities. 

A way that consists in creating a learning context, where active listening prevails; where you interact to contaminate; where to let the story of the future speak, the Design Thinking of Prosperity Thinking, the “Human Centered Design" of “Planet – or Life – Centered Design”.

After all, humans are the Planet. And the key to starting a real regenerative process of change is in the mirror.

Read the article on Nova!
