La cura che promuove lo sviluppo. Il 2022 tra bellezza e rigenerazione In Italia abbiamo iniziato il 2021 con una grande responsabilità sulle spalle: quella di fare in modo che il nostro Paese, potesse fare la differenza nella serie di appuntamenti politico-istituzionali dell’anno: il G20, il Pre-Food System Summit, la COP 26, passando per presenza […]
Category Archives: News
Rigener-Azione: Quando l’agricoltura rigenera la terra e la communita’ Esiste un modo per produrre cibo sano, nutriente, ad un prezzo giusto, capace di adattarsi e addirittura mitigare il cambiamento climatico? Possono l’agricoltura ed il sistema agroalimentare, ora responsabili del 24% delle emissioni di gas serra, essere in grado di catturare i gas clima alteranti e […]
The program includes promotional events organized with the Future Food Institute at the Italian Pavilion in Brussels, the Expo 2020 Dubai Italian Pavilion, and at the Paideia Campus in Pollica, Italy.
A sheet of A2-sized paper, 51 signatures, and a castle in the German countryside. Regeneration is the word that links these three ingredients.
A melting pot of diversity made the Mediterranean an important hub promoting product exchange and culinary knowledge, forming this unique cultural heritage.
How can we activate entrepreneurship within a context where the school dropout and unemployment rates are among the highest in our country? This was the challenge at the basis of “Agri-Culture – Youth Welfare,” a project started in June 2021, working side-by-side with the youth from Pollica, in the heart of the Mediterranean Basin.
The current agri-food system cannot remain the business-as-usual system that has been leading us towards the unprecedented challenges we face today. It is overdue for disruption.
In the second day of celebrations we had the chance to reflect on fertility, development, diversity, and sustainability. All aspects that contribute to the sustainable development of a territory.
The agri-food system of the Mediterranean region is the unique melting-pot of diversity: geo-diversity, agro-biodiversity, and bio-diversity.
Today 16th November we celebrate the recognition of the Mediterranean Diet by UNESCO as a world heritage, from Pollica the heart of this lifestyle.